

JTZ Series Vibration Drier


TZ Series vibration drier surmounted a lot of weak­ness of horizontal and intermittent fluidizing machine tool, adopted the advantage of the same products of foreign and designed, developed this new type drier. The drier is fit for drying powdery, granular matters. The drier is widely applied in all trades, such as, grain, feed, chemistry, medicine, food and plastic industries, and all index is the leading position in the same products.

The Main Technical Parameter

Frequency Amplitude Vibration Direction Angle Total Power (kw) Elasticity(kn) Length(mm) Wide(mm) High (mm)
Five Six Seven Eight
960/min 1-3mm 45ο-75ο 1.5×2 20×2 1580 1580 2430 2610 2790 2970

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